기초연금 40만원 신청 가이드 - 지급 신청 및 지급액

by 국민복지알리미



This app is a guide application for basic pension provided by the government.As of 2022, approximately 5.95 million seniors are receiving basic pension every month.What is basic pension?In order to help the elderly live in retirement and share pension benefits fairly, this is a system in which the government pays benefits to seniors aged 65 or older whose recognized income is below the selection standard.In July 2014, when the system was introduced, the standard pension amount was set at a maximum of 200,000 won per month, and the standard pension amount has been increased every year by reflecting the consumer price increase rate of the previous year to guarantee the real value of the standard pension amount.The basic pension amount for 2023 (single-family) is 323,180 won, an increase compared to the previous year, reflecting the consumer price increase rate of the previous year.The basic pension amount for 2023 (single-family) is 323,180 won, an increase compared to the previous year, reflecting the consumer price increase rate of the previous year.From 2024 to 2026, the basic pension provided to the bottom 70% of senior citizens will be reduced to 100% of the median income, and the amount will be increased from 300,000 won to 400,000 won.This app was created using Gonggongnuri Type 1 (source indication, commercial use possible, changeable) materials, and is an application created by an individual. This app does not represent any government or political entity.[Disclaimer]- This app does not represent the government or government agencies.- This app was created by an individual to provide quality information, and we assume no responsibility.[Information Source]- Source: Korea Policy Briefing website (https://www.korea.kr)[privacy policy]- https://appdep88.s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/privacypolicy.html